Building a system of leadership teams in a newly integrated global telecoms business

Team Development

We started with the CEO and their executive team and cascaded the work through nine direct-report teams – making ten teams in total. 

Through facilitated sessions, we explored how they interacted, diagnosed sources of tension, and highlighted how their vertical alignment inhibited cross-functional collaboration. Using tools such as diagnostics, a shared framework for contracting conversations, and practical exercises to surface and address conflict, we guided them towards a more cohesive model of working. 

The emphasis was on developing a shared language, defining ‘win points’, agreeing how to boundary conversations effectively, and distinguishing between times when fast, individual decision-making was appropriate and when truly collaborative approaches were needed.

We introduced reflective practices at the end of meetings, encouraging leaders to consider how well they collaborated, whether issues were surfaced early, and how to continuously improve their decision-making processes. 

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